
Our Commitment to Change

Black background with white text that states "We can do better. We must do better."

We cannot remain silent on issues of inequality and oppression. The movement to end systemic racism once and for all is demanding our attention, and we are listening.

At Chaddsford Winery, we are fortunate to have customers from all races and creeds, but that does not absolve us from doing more to support and empower people of color. We can do better, and we will do better.

Here’s what we’re doing - effective immediately:

  • Adding Diversity Training to mandatory hiring and training protocols
  • Developing a Diversity and Inclusion Initiative to guide recruiting and decision-making
  • Adding regional non-profits that specifically serve African Americans to our charitable giving efforts
  • Exploring new business development and expansion opportunities in underserved areas

As we begin the process of reopening, we’ll continue to strive to deliver a relaxing, enjoyable, educational experience to every guest who enters our property. Know that if you demonstrate intolerant behaviors while on our property, you will be required to leave.

We are committed to becoming a better version of ourselves and hope that you will join us on this journey.

Corey Krejcik, Vice President + General Manager